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Old 02-19-2004   #16
~~HF~~ Roket
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Fair enough.

We have to wait a bit longer, just been told it's been delayed till April 2

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Old 02-20-2004   #17
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Ok, the first thing that you have to remember is, that unlike SOCOM I, this is now a team oriented game. Meaning, the lone run and gunner isn't going to last very long. The key to winning, even in an open room, is communication and team work. Talk to eachother. Ask the guy in front of you, "Do you see anything?" Be patient. Most especially on the breach maps. Call out locations if you see something. if a particular gun isn't working for you, move on to the next one. But I reccommend trying all the guns, to see for yourself what ones you like. Try the sniper rifles as well....The M87ELR offers the "one shot-one kill" but has a lot of recoil and a slow re-fire rate. The SR-25 (and SR-25SD) offers a faster fire rate for a sniper rifle and not as much recoil, but you'll have to hit your target more than once unless it's a head shot. Another great tip - Get to know the maps. You'll figure out what ones NOT to use a sniper rifle on (Bitter Jungle) and what ones are useful for a sniper rifle (damn near all the rest). Like someone mentioned earlier, move around, don't keep going the same way, switch it up. Move to a rock, stop, wait. Move to bushes, stop, wait. And so on. When you're dead, hit the select button, and see who's doing well. Try "ghosting" that person and watch what they do. The game involves a little bit of skill, and a little bit of luck. Don't get discouraged if you keep dying, you're gonna die. A lot. Everyone dies.

Good luck.

“Weapons down or I will not be responsible for what comes next.” - Captain America
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Old 02-20-2004   #18
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Jumped on last night and was trying out some of the advice given here. I used my new log in (Chaoshumor) but didn't enter anything under description in the options menu online. As soon as I jumped into the game I kept getting shot.... BY MY OWN TEAM!!! Is it possible that by not entering anything on the description section on the options menu online that I was walking around without a name above my head to designate that I was one of the team versus the opposition, having nothing above their heads and indicating they are the opposition? I tried more than one room and on several occasions I kept getting mowed down!

On a better note, the couple of times that I wasn't shot by my own team I did use the M60 (Sweet) and tons of grenades and had them set as my secondary (thank you). I also altered my controls and set them from enson to seal and noticed an increase in responsiveness, but occassionally my guy would continue to creep along after I released the L3. Over all last night was a 50/50 night. Thanks to everyone here for all the highly useful input, if there is anything further that you feel would be of benefit I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Old 02-20-2004   #19
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Set your controller settings to CUSTOM and move the Deadzone setting higher. This will prevent your guy from creeping.
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Old 02-20-2004   #20
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Originally posted by Chaoshumor
I also altered my controls and set them from enson to seal and noticed an increase in responsiveness, but occassionally my guy would continue to creep along after I released the L3.
I believe that if you increase your "deadzone" in your seal settings it will stop doing that.
As for your teamates killing you...........not sure. But it has nothing to do with you setting your character description.

Ok, Weeper just beat me to it....:p

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Old 02-20-2004   #21
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Originally posted by Chaoshumor
Jumped on last night and was trying out some of the advice given here. I used my new log in (Chaoshumor) but didn't enter anything under description in the options menu online. As soon as I jumped into the game I kept getting shot.... BY MY OWN TEAM!!! Is it possible that by not entering anything on the description section on the options menu online that I was walking around without a name above my head to designate that I was one of the team versus the opposition, having nothing above their heads and indicating they are the opposition?
No, description doesn't mean much. And doesn't do anything regarding the game play or name above your head. Sometimes people get team killed by accident, sometimes people do it on purpose. When you signed on, what was your rank (Ensign, lieutenant, commaner)? People will just TK people that have an ensign bar, or if someone that has a Star next to their name (indicating an Admiral) they will do it to them as well. If you have a Star under a new name, it just means that you haven't played enough yet to determine a rank. After an hour or so, you'll be given a rank. if people keep doing it, then move to a new room. Those players are just idiots then.

“Weapons down or I will not be responsible for what comes next.” - Captain America
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Old 02-20-2004   #22
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Thanks guys. Yeah, it was the first time I used this log in so the first round I didn't have a rank, but at the end when I finally got tired of being killed by my own team I noticed that i was already a Lieutenant (I guess they promote anyone ;) ). I'll try again tonight and hopefull I'll have better results.

I'll adjust my 'dead zone' as suggested to reduce my 'creeping'.

Thanks everyone!:D

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Old 02-20-2004   #23
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Chaos, in order to adjust deadzone, you must do it before you go online. It's under options. From options, go to controller settings I believe.

P.S. everybody starts out a lieutenant.

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Old 02-20-2004   #24
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Originally posted by [SS]CJ
P.S. everybody starts out a lieutenant.
Heh....I didn't....I started this one off at Ensign and had to work my way up....lol

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Old 02-20-2004   #25
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Grifter, that's because when you started, nobody was under 1000 points. Everybody starts off with 1000 points. Now, since you've started S2, some people really suck (or tk on purpose), so there score is below 1000. It's really hard to stay as an ensign nowadays.

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Old 02-20-2004   #26
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I just wish they would allow people like me to enter into the ensign level instead of with all these people who pick me off like I'm wearing some giant neon target. It's hard to practice and get good when you are dead most of the time.:(
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Old 02-20-2004   #27
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want some advice? start a clan. get your friends into it and recruit them. this way you can have practices and set up a private room and say ok, you 5 guys just run around and im gonna try and shoot you, just dont shoot back at me . that way you can get some good practice without stress.

Have you played the single player game yet?

If not. you need to. when youre done with it, you will have a way better feel for it.

I'm gonna ask you questions, and every time you don't give me answers, I'm gonna cut something off. And I promise you...
they will be things you will miss!
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Old 02-21-2004   #28
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Chaos, I will give you every peice of advice I think you will need. Sorry if some of it is repeat.

1. There are ENSIGN ONLY ROOMS. They are at the top of the servers list when you log on. If you want to play people more at your skill level.

2. DON"T listen to Doc on the controller setting. I use Scout, or maybe its precision. I can't remember. It may feel a bit awkward but it is way more functional, and will allow you to use your skills the best.

3. In the options menu it may be to your advantage to keep your look speed slow, as well as your accelaration. Go to custom, set the sliders back ALL the way left. I use six clicks to the right on both my look speed and acceleration. This will give you enough stability to aim in on the spot. But, it does disallow quick turn arounds. Just hope that you get them before they get past you. Also, this setting is perfect for run and gun, AND is fast enough to track running enemies when sniping.

4. Map knowledge is almost more important than your skills. Play one map all day and learn every nook and cranny of it. You need to know the good hiding spots, and what directions you should be facing.

5. Play with good people. There is nothing that can make you better than to watch and learn from the vets.

6. Gunfights: when you are in a full frontal gun fight with an enemy DO NOT stand still. Move left and right like a boxer does. Sometimes when an enemy does this to me I will stop moving and take aim. It can throw them off a bit.

7. Always make sure your QUICK SELECTIONS are set properly. As Weeper said, you want your quick 2 set to grenades when using and auto. Always have your quick 2 set to your handgun when sniping. You need that back up weapon if you get in close quarter combat.

8. Don't be afraid to hide and ambush. I know there is nothing more than guys trying to vote you off when you are the last guy and you are hiding. But think about it this way, they're all dead, and you are their last hope. They have no reason to be angry except that they are being dicks.

I could go on and on. This game is complex, and it takes TONS of practice to be a good player. Most of us have been playing since the beginning of S1 and we are still learning. Enjoy the HUGE learning curve

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Old 02-22-2004   #29
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Greetings Gentlemen!

Well I jumped on yesterday morning and took all the advice that was posted. Adjusted my controls to some of the suggested settings, grabbed my (now) trusty M60, a ton of granades, and entered several rooms. The first one I tried was Fish Hook, I did alright, got a couple of kills, but a few times of course I was mowed down. At least no one from my own team killed me this time! :D Then I found a respawning room! That was cool! It was based on Vigelence and talk about tons of places to hide! I actually got some good kills in this one. I actually picked some one off at a distance with my M60 by just spraying the area at full auto! The poor guy didn't have any have enough area to run and his back was to me! :p It was great! Of course I was killed, but on a few of them I took them down with me. One such case I was preparing to toss a grenade and was shot in the back. Well I dropped the grenade and guess what the guy who shot me walked up to inspect his kill and BAM!!! Took him out! :D I thought I was addicted before, but now that I'm actually getting a couple of kills hear and there, I'm trying to figure ways of getting more play time in!

THANKS TO EVERYONE for the great advice, it has really helped out.
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Old 02-23-2004   #30
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Good Morning All!

Well I was able to jump yesterday. And further test out the advice I have been receiving. I'm starting to really like those respawning rooms, I'm able to get lots of practice. The first one I tried yesterday I didn't like though. It was based on the Frost Fire Map, I went in with my M60 and tons of grenades. I walked behind some guy and proceeded to unload on him. As soon as I shot him he darted off, so I gave chance shooting the whole time (in the back is a little dirty, but I'm a new ;) ). I couldn't believe it, I unloaded a whole clip and he kept running! I eventually caught on that in this respawning room, there was no killing.

I went on to the next respawning room based on the Vigalence Map. This seemed better, I ran around got a few kills but began to notice that the SEAL opposition (I was a terrorist unfortunately) was really good. These guys weren't newbies like myself these were guys that have obviously been playing for a while and went into this room to get some target practice. At one point they were even hiding out near the respawning points and picking me off as soon as I reappeared. I was able to kill a couple of them but it quickly lost it's appeal when they out numbered my team and were clearly far more skilled.

I went onto another respawning room based on the Chain Reaction Map. This was a little more like it. The teams were smaller allowing me to move around a bit, and there were lots of little spots for me to duck in and out of. But I notice one of the inherent flaws of my (as they put it on another forum) "Newbie Cannon"/M60. Yes I have tons of ammo, yes I have some serious fire power, but my accuracey for long distance is zilch! I would be posted on one of the cat walks and I would see somebody from the opposition running on the opposite side on a cat walk as well. I would put my cross-hairs roughly where they were and just unload. Well obviously since I don't have a scope I could really get a perfect shot. It was great if I could see them up close, but if they were too far my accuracey greatly decreased. This has lead me to my decision to move on to a new weapon. I am now debating on which to move onto. I need something that will allow me to waste some ammo (which I will do for a while since I'm still realtively new), have some serious kill ability and a scope so I can make my occasional long distance hit.

Which leads me to my next questions....:D What would fit that criterion? Which weapon has some serious power, decent amount of ammo, and a scope so I can pick people off at a distance if the opportunity arises? Thanks again to everyone for taking my game to the next level. :D

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