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Old 03-09-2004   #1
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Stop Fcc

just thought i would pass this on please sign this


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Old 03-10-2004   #2
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What are we stopping them from? I didn't know they had done anything new. Someone have any idea what this is in regards to? Is there some new regulation that I haven't heard about? Please enlighten me if there is. There certainly was no explanation on the website.
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Old 03-10-2004   #3
Thats Mr Sarcastic to you
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Sorry, but I think TV, radio, etc... should be censored to some degree.

....unless I'm a doofus and misread all that. :D

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Old 03-10-2004   #4
2 Words for ya " SUCK IT"
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The point is that We should be the ones monitoring/censoring the stuff ourselves. If you dont like what your seeing, hearing, then guess what change the channel or turn it off. The government shouldn`t have the say so. We are our own people.
My two cents.

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Old 03-10-2004   #5
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I agree that television and radio should be censored to a degree. Adults can decide when to watch something and when not to, but children don't have that ability and could end up seeing or hearing something that they should not. We should all remember that the best part about being a child is the innocence. We should all try to protect that for them. Warning labels, ratings, whatever it takes, I am all for it.

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Old 03-10-2004   #6
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I am against censorship myself. Of course, it might be different if I had children of my own. But that's why most televisions now have parental locks and channel locks and such. Manufacturers have relized the need for controls like these. Plus, where do you draw the line when you start censoring things? It's an impossible battle, and that's why it should be left to the parents to draw the line for THEIR children, by utilizing such controls.
If only they had them when I was a child.......we can only imagine. lol.

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Old 03-10-2004   #7
Thats Mr Sarcastic to you
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It will probably come to that one day. We will have to use custom channel blockers and such. That way us parents will have more control.

What about radio tho, kinda hard to block that out.

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Old 03-10-2004   #8
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This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where a group was formed to ruin everything that was oriented towards kids. Why is it that everything we do and say has to be acceptable for the WHOLE populous. Why do I care if my behviour is acceptable for someone elses child to see? I want to be able to hear the word fuck on daytime tv, and if parents don't like it, don't let your kids watch tv.

I'm just being a bit outrageous here, but it rings some truth. If the cost of keeping kids away from bad language and sex on tv is censorship, then I say f*ck kids, the parents need to be the censors. Too much responsibility is placed on society to raise kids these days - the parents need to take responsibility for what their children see, hear, and do, not me, and definitely not the government.

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Old 03-11-2004   #9
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"It takes a village to raise a child." With attitudes like some people have, it's no wonder my job as a teacher is so difficult. Teenagers today are challenged so much by society. They are bombarded with things like tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, etc. Believe me, teenagers lack the tools to make sound moral decisions sometimes. I see this everyday, and I can't help but wonder what the world will be like in 20 years. When these kids are the politicians, doctors, and other various leaders in our society, it could be very different. I feel very strongly that we should all do our part to help guide and shape these young people into the leaders that we would like them to be. I for one would not want the President of the U.S. in his State of the Union address in 20 years to be saying the "f" word. I know that's exaggerating a little, but it could come to that one day if things don't change.
As for the idea that parents should raise their own children and censor what they feel they don't want their kids to see/hear, I will try my best to do that for our son. I will do my best to teach him right from wrong, but I am not going to just stand by and let people make that harder for me than it already will be. I will tell him that just because the government may or may not say that it's ok for some things to happen, that does not make them right by any means. I think that's basically what every parent has to do anyway. Raise their kids by the moral standards that they choose to live by and pray the children turn out ok!

Sorry for the long post and for the lecture...I just feel very strongly about issues that deal with children, being a mother and teacher kinda fuels the fire in me about these things! lol:)

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Old 03-12-2004   #10
2 Words for ya " SUCK IT"
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lol @ jess

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Old 03-12-2004   #11
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Well said Jess!!!
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Old 03-12-2004   #12
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Personally speaking.....I was one of those kids saying, "F*** the PMRC" when it was first put together. Now I'm older, I understand why we have it. But it's still flawed. Nobody actually polices the CD's or video games.

You'll never hear me tell someone that they can't speak their mind, sing what they want, paint what they want, burn what they want, smoke what they want, etc. However, I also feel that a lot of the parents now a days (not accusing anyone here, just a generalization) use the television and movies as a babysitter. Not paying attention to the games and music that they purchase for them. Why is an 8 year old listening to Eminem and singing along about killing his mother?? Another prime example is SOCOM. How many little kids does everyone hear on the mic?? The statement specifically states, must be over 18 or have a parental consent to play this game. How many of those parents are actually paying attention to what they are buying? I saw a dad buy his 10-12 year old kid the Manhunt game. Why? cause the kid heard it was cool. Then they wonder why kids are bringing guns to school and shooting places up. The parents need to shoulder some of the responsibility as well. Don't like what your kids see or hear, change the channel. But please don't blame a video game, music or a piece of art because your son/daughter is suffering in school, or decides to join a gang, or shoot up a school yard. That's just silly. But yes, the censorship, or rather labeling of offensive lyrics, rating a video game as mature (18 and over) etc., I do agree with. Not being allowed to freely make a statement, say what I want to, smoke what I want to, drink what I want to, I don't agree with. There has to be some form of protection, but it shouldn't be over protective either.

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Old 03-12-2004   #13
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I think we all agree that our families are our own responsibility. The only thing (concerning my kids) that I am concerned about is......... who,what,where,when & why. I cannot control what my daughter sees at school, on the bus or at friends houses. My wife and I meet her friends AND THEIR PARENTS. We will go to their house, they come to ours, so we can see what the other is like. I compare to the [SS] rule of "No wall humping, if you dont like not doing it then dont challenge us" I dont like my daughter's friend's house/ parents, then she wont be going over there. Jess I agree we dont need help in making it harder in "growing our kids up right" BUT............. if we go "blocking stopping and HIDING" all of this stuff dont kid yourself they WILL GO LOOKING FOR IT!!

My family talk openly about things EVERY night. We eat dinner 6 nights a week at the dinner table. We make ourselves part of my daughters school activities (popping in at lunch time, school trips and events) and talk with her teachers at least once a week on the phone. I do not condone some things.............. some I do. My daughter KNOWS HER RULES AND BOUNDS.............. more over she FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE CONCEQUENCES OF breaking those bounds.

I believe a major problem with kids these days (and adults) is there are soft punishments for breaking the rules. NO FEAR basically..................... I dont need the governments help in teaching my daughter right and wrong. School doesnt do what it used to but I have no choice but to let her go to public school. We found a reputable school and am happy with it. So we feel like we have it covered, UNCLE SAM................... stay out of my house, I will make my own rules for MY FAMILY.
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Old 03-12-2004   #14
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It's funny that in this debate I can agree with both sides. I see Jess's point about not being able to be there all the time. I agree with Doc on the same issue, and yes, kids will go searching for banned stuff. My cousin's parent's won't let him own GTA because its too violent. Good god, the kid is 15. I realize its violent, and includes violence against every ethnicity and women for that matter, but a 15 year old kid, brought up with the right values knows that he isn't supposed to do that sort of thing.

The SOCOM rating I can agree with also. I don't consider that censorship. All the rating system is for is a recommendation. I can't understand why a parent, with the knowledge that ONLY people over 18 can even purchase a game (not unlike a porno flick), would purchase that game for their kids. In SOCOM it's not even the violence that the kids should be staying away from, its the players. How many times I've lipped some young kid off, or made comments that I shouldn't say around kids. But my justification is that they shouldn't be there in the first place. That's like saying, don't smoke in a bar because there might be kids there. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!! That's an adult setting just like anything else that has a minimum age.

Now onto Manhunt. I even found that game offensive, and I have been de-sensitized to violence my whole life. There is NO way I would let my "future kids" play that game. For anyone who hasn't played it, I recommend renting it and seeing video game violence at its best. GTA is nothing in the violence spectrum compared to Manhunt. You can gouge a guys eyes out with a glass shard.

Conclusion . . . not quite sure. I don't want to be censored under the justification that kids see and hear the wrong thing. I am an adult, and as an adult should be able to see and hear what I want, and say what I want. I shouldn't be restricted because OTHER PEOPLE"S kids might hear it.

On the other hand . . . I'm not saying that we should all walk around naked and swearing all day. People can make the appropriate decisions - for the most part anyway. I think we need to leave it up to society's discretion.

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Old 03-12-2004   #15
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I agree. NOW BRING BACK HOWARD STERN!!!! I dont listen to him, but I am tired of hearing his listeners whinning because they cannot hear him anymore........................................... .......... LOL
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