Thread: Got my 360 :)
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Old 04-17-2008   #1
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Got my 360 :)

The title says it all, was able to pick up the 360 and Vegas 2 last night.

I can see why you switched over to Vegas, I'm playing it on a regular TV and it is grand, all the high def TV users must be in heaven.

I'm getting somewhat use to the controls and the game, no guide to work from yet, getting killed a fair bit now that I'm out of the tutorial stage. Hopefully I will get the hang of it so I am not 'too' easy of a kill for you all

Unfortunetly I am pretty much stuck with going wireless for most of the time. I am hoping that will not lag me to much, but it looks like its wireless or nothing.

I have not been able to go online yet, and was wondering how hard it was to find people to play with. Does having people in the friends list help alot, or is it just a mad search in hopes that you can find who your looking for?

Hopefully it will not be to hard to find you guys once I get all set up, will be great to see you all again.

I roam the land empty and free. Hey, wait a minute, don't point that at me!
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