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Old 11-10-2003   #3
Posts: n/a
Here are my results fellas, not just a score but what they say it says about me...........

Congratulations, Ken!
Your IQ score is 127

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emode's Ultimate IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We were able to analyze how you did on each set of those questions, which reveals the way your brain uniquely works.

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Facts Curator.
This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

It also told me I am a mathematical slug "This means that you scored higher than 10% - 20% of people who took the test and that 80% - 90% scored higher than you did.. LOL In high school I FAILED Pre-Algebra twice!!!! Once because the teacher said I didnt know what I was doing, and a second time just to prove she was right the first time LMAO
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