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Old 10-30-2006   #8
Professional Assassin
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Northwest OH
Posts: 126
Originally posted by [SS]Rator
lol thanks bud! And yes i know, we are trying to work with Brady on that stuff, i dont know what's happening. Waiting to hear. At the least, the grid system i did for the maps will totally help cause you can tell your team to "camp the little area with the houses in E4".

And yes we couldnt say anything, we all signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Yea...I am in business, and I know how it works. Theres contract agreements that must be upheld. I am just glad to here that you are working on submitting a proposal to the good folks at Brady to get the real Socom fanatics a true "downloadable map". Not the ones you put on the memory stick and play online with your buddies. This would allow people like myself (the techy) to create custom applications that use or center around these wonderful tactical tools which you put so much hard work into. The world is moving away from printed material. It's always nice to have a digital copy of the media your working with. I am currently working on a custom web browser that utilizes all online information that is accessible to Socom players. You'll have your standard stuff as most browsers do. However you'll be able to customize color, logos, and other items in the menu to make your clans online information tailored to their usage. I would love to include a link to a digital copy of the maps for my clans use after I pay a fee or even build the maps inside with a markup feature like the twb to plan out strategy. Theres alot that could be done. We just have to open the right channels to make it happen. If you have any questions about my pet project hit me up.
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