Thread: Military videos
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Old 07-08-2005   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 3
Military videos

Hello, Well i see some people posted some videos on military so i thought i would sare the ones ive found with you, the website there all from is called you can go there theres lots other videos to do with military and also other types of videos. If anylinks are broke please tell me.

Enjoy tell me whats your favorite video mines the urinal one lol.

*all videos i believe dont show any blood or gore*

This is an amazing model of an F-14. At first I thought the guy just built a staionary model. But the thing really flies. Friggin awesome.

After over 2 years of strongly opposing the war in Iraq the French finally gave in and released a small amount of troops to assist with the rebuilding of Iraq. This is a clip of their arrival today.

A group of Marines cause an explosion over 300 meteres away. Within 1 second of the explosion shrapnel just misses them. If my calculations are correct and if the Marines were in fact 300 meters away and the shrapnel reached them within 1 second the shrapnel would have been traveling very fast.

Incredible clip. Gives you a sense of the everyday danger of Iraq. These soldiers fall underattack incoming mortar shells. Some land just hundreds of feet from where they are filming.

This is a pretty funny clip of a bunch of marines filming a fellow marine getting knocked over in a urinal.

This is a very well put together compilation of many different video clips of training videos of the Apache Gattling Gun. Unbelievable the amount of power this gun has. (WARNING: LARGE LOAD 5.0MB)

A couple of marines find an old abandoned car in the middle of the desert. They launch a rocket from one mile away hitting their target perfectly.

A bunch of US Soldiers tape a Marine dropping a grenade into a washing machine and letting it blow.

Kip Surfer Barnes wrote us the following....A couple of non-aviation visitors to your website have erroneously commented that an aircraft cannot break the sound barrier at low altitudes and without breaking the eardrums of people close by. Absolutely false, I used to do it all the time to pick up the spirits of the troops in an F-16. Here is a video clip of a Navy F-14 Tomcat doing just that as it flys between an aircraft carrier and a guided missile cruiser at an altitude of less than 100 feet and about 645 knots (750 mph) You can clearly hear the sonic boom!

This is a pretty cool clip. Its a 30mm Gattling test fire against a brick wall. It would of been cool to see the damage the gun did in the end but amazing how fast these get fired off. I am sure some of you will post exactly how fast this is I couldnt find any more info on them.

Big thanks to Chris for sending in this clip. Its a new guided missle system from Lockheed Martin. Apparently, their are no explosives just 125lbs of depleted uranium travelling at about Mach 6 (over 4000 mph). The system takes about 5 seconds to acquire and kill a target 2 miles away. Very cool!!

This is a filmed test of a rocket launcher taking aim at a tank that must be at least a mile or so away and blowing it up into nothing. I never realized how powerful these rockets could be.
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