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Old 04-22-2005   #1
Brew Master
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SOCOM 3 angers Bangladeshi government

Sony's online shooter allegedly refers to Bangladesh as a terrorist state; the country's government threatens legal action.

According to the Chinese news service Xinhua, the government of Bangladesh is threatening legal action against Sony if the company does not remove all references to Bangladesh from its upcoming squad-based tactical shooter, SOCOM 3. At issue is the alleged portrayal of Bangladesh as a terrorist state. The Bangladeshi foreign affairs ministry has reportedly said it will file a lawsuit in the international court if Sony refuses.
Sony has previously acquiesced to the demands of world governments, such as when it removed references to Canada from the game Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain after politicians from Quebec province complained about a scenario in the game that featured Quebecois separatists seizing control of a Toronto subway station.

SOCOM 3 takes place in three locales: Bangladesh, Poland, and Morocco. At present, Bangladesh is the only country to express dissatisfaction with the game.

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