Thread: Mercenaries
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Old 01-15-2005   #1
I'm the alpha male
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I have been playing this game for a couple days now. It sortta has a feel of a cross between Socom and Grand Theft Auto. Although it seems to be fun, it is mainly all run and gun so far.

North Korea has broken all ties with the rest of the world and now has intercontinental nuclear capabilities. You go around getting hit contracts from the different factions such as The Allies, Chinese, and Russian Mafia.

Your ultimate goal in this game is to capture the deck of 52. Each card has a North Korean tied to it. You can capture or kill, but you get more money for capturig.

Has anyone else played this game yet? I will post a more in depth review once I get further into the game.

Overall so far I would give it a 7 outta 10.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing a baby seal over the head.
~Staff Sergeant Jack Coughlin U.S.M.C. Sniper
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