Thread: Ghost ReconII
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Old 12-31-2004   #3
75R Airborne
Cranky War Veteran
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I thought it was so good that I moved my clan operations to Ghost Recon 2. I can't speak for the PS2 version, from what I heard there was some serious bait-and-switch advertising done on that which angered alot of people who bought it. Apparently everyone who bought it thought it would have 3rd person view. Turned out only the Xbox version has it. PS2 version is first person only, and you can't even see your gun. So as far as the Xbox version goes, I haven't been this pleased in a military 3rd person shooter in a long time. If you appreciate true tactical gameplay on very large maps (for the most part) with minimal to no lag, then this game is for you. But If you like run-n-gun on smaller maps and enjoy the challenge of trying not to get killed in your own spawn point by a grenade launcher 5 seconds into a the middle of the worst lag you've ever seen...then stick with Socom.

To be fair, I should tell you that there is no blood when you shoot someone. That bothers alot of people. However, when you shoot someone they die 99.9% of the time. When you cap somebody in the back, they die. They don't spin around and kill you with one lucky shot instead. Another downside is that there is a boot error inherent on every disc. Once in awhile either before, during, or after a game you will get a red X on your screen with text saying that there is a problem with your Xbox, please restart. It can be annoying, but it doesn't happen near as often as a booting from a Socom room. And since you're obviously a Socom player, you're already used to that anyway.

Ghost Recon 2 for Xbox - A great, fun game!
Ghost Recon 2 for PS2 - Buy at your own risk!

And no, I am not a paid endorser laffyguy

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