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Old 09-26-2014   #18
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Forbes Destiny Hack Article

Interesting article in Forbes of all places...

Forbes allows 'Fair Use' quoting I hope...

Whac-A-Mole Syndrome: 'Destiny' Players Found A New 'Loot Cave'

You can’t keep a bad idea down: just one day after Bungie nerfed Destiny’s famous “Loot Cave,” where players could get reams of high-level items just by sitting on a rock and firing into a black hole for hours on end, one gamer appears to have already found what he’s calling “Loot Cave 2.0.” Sure enough, in the rocket yard on Earth, there’s a similar location running off the same 6-second timer as the loot cave of yore (yesterday). Check the video below for the location:

Call it “whac-a-mole syndrome.” I first encountered the concept when reading about improving airplane boarding: basically, whenever the airline smoothed the kinks out of one portion of the boarding process, another problem would just pop up somewhere else — the law of unintended consequences. So it’s not that you have a particular problem that can be solved, it’s that the system has a basic inefficiency or quirk capable of manifesting in any number of different ways. In this case, that quirk is the unflappable desire of MMO gamers to advance in the quickest way possible.

The reason the whac-a-mole syndrome applies here is that nerfing the loot cave addressed a symptom, not a problem. Player progression between levels 20-26 was boring, repetitive and often frustrating, so large numbers of players sought to circumvent Bungie’s intended pathways to find a more consistent way to level up, one that was less frustrating if equally repetitive. Bungie locked up it’s best game design at level 26, giving players further incentive to power through those other uneventful levels as quickly as possible. So there’s no real way for the developer to overcome the farming problem, except by making the actual gameplay as rewarding and consistent as the motionless grind of the loot cave. Hint: this would be a good idea.

I remember a talk from Blizzard’s Rob Pardo a couple of GDCs ago addressing ideas of grinding and game design. The most important thing, he said, was to remember that gamers are very good at breaking your game. The MMO mentality is more geared toward progression than fun, so if there’s an easy, but boring way to progress, people will do it. So you constantly need to pay attention to your game to make sure that the path of least resistance is also the most fun.

Destiny is a very young game, so it would do well to take these lessons to heart. If you need to make progression a little easier in some places to make the game more fun, you should remember the point of games in the first place.

Keep your ears buttered up while I set fire to the rain!
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