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Old 01-13-2009   #4
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The thing about Burn After Reading that I loved, was that it was such a clusterfuck. A seemingly simple thing that makes everything just spiral out of control. There is this hamming up of stereotypes that I love from these guys......see Fargo, The Big Lebowski, etc. They take a piece of Americana and build around it. I suppose its not a movie for everyone, but to me it was great. I wasn't expecting it either, and John Malkovich's barely to uncontained rage throughout was great. Then you had Brad Pitt, playing the same kind of character he played in True Romance.......just an idiot. Then you put in George clooney, with his paranoia and eccentricities. I just liked it. I agree with Grifter. You have to see it more than once to appreciate it.

Hollywood always gives you the expected ending. When a movie comes along that bucks that trend, coupled with things going from bad to horribly wrong, well thats just good fun.

Gran Torino was just great. I loved Eastwood in this. Its so strange seeing him so old, and yet so bad ass. It was his best movie since Unforgiven IMO. He deserves an oscar nod. The man has really had such a renaissance in his career far later than you ever see in Hollywood. He is the man.

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