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pimpymctuffs 12-18-2004 01:40 PM

What weapons are considered cheaters weapons?
I am pretty new at Socom2 and I have been playing and realizing that some people dont like it when you use M203s or GLs and wondered what you guys considered cheaters weapons and what weapons do you use most? I dont want to be team killed for upsetting another teammate because I used the wrong weapon, but who wants to be team killed? I hate team killing! Thanks and I hope you all have a great day!



The Chief 12-18-2004 02:00 PM

This is a great debated question.....(I don't know if this is for SS only to answer or not?).

But some will say that yes it takes skill to use an M203 while others will say not. I have heard that the IW-80 is for new folks, however others can use the M-14 with great acuracey. So to try and answer your question. I would have to say that Grenade launchers are kind of an easy way to kill someone from a far....so I am not a fan of those, nor do I ever use them. I find that with each gun...each has it's own strength...so I would have to say that that depends on the idividual...I am more of AK or M-14 kind of guy....

pimpymctuffs 12-18-2004 02:29 PM

Cool ! Thanks for the reply
Thanks for the reply, I personally like to use the STG or M4A1SD depending on what side I am on. I have found using the sniper rifles fun too but haven't figured out to hit a moving target on a steady basis yet. (newbie)! Well thanks again and hope to see you guys out there!



[SS]Rator 12-18-2004 03:04 PM

Yeah Chief is right, M203s and gls will probly get you team killed or voted out. As for any of the other weapons, i think they are ALL fair game and i wouldnt consider any of them a noob weapon.

[SS]Shooter 12-18-2004 04:16 PM

I play a lot with mXm, and they use all weapons including 203's. It does present, in my mind, a new set of challenges to work around.

In fact, the side using the 203's/M79's, usually uses them a lot, but the other side adapts and the games are usually really close.

That being said, in normal room where people AREN'T expecting a 203/M79, I concur with Rator that everyone will be mad.

As far as guns, use anything you'd like... They are all well balanced.

IW-80's and M14 are not noob guns. Noobs use em cause they are the best guns when you can only hit people a low percentage of the time, as they do a lot of damage.

Once your skill level builds, you can use other, quirkier guns like the M4, M16, HK5SD, 12G Pump that demand accuracy and stealth. This is what makes the game fun.

But, in most cases, nothing outshoots the IW-80 or the M-14.

Fenix 12-27-2004 07:14 PM

NOOb Gun or Not?
Well evryone has there own opinion on guns and the M14 and IW80.

People say IW80 and M14 are noob guns well that maybe true. What i have found is if somone with an m14 or IW80 goes against me and I have my M16 i will usualy win. Sense the M16 is a exstremly acurate gun. As for the grenade launchers. I dont mind if people use the turrets i do tell my clan not to use the Personal Gl's.

Give or take most of these gun issues are just personal opinion.

[SS]Cuervo 12-28-2004 11:54 AM

the actualy act of using a M203 or GL in a tactical purpose takes skill yes... but when you go against a team of 8 with either m203 or GL and they just start chuking gernades plastering the entire board to the point where u cant move or you die.. well that just gets tiring.. kinda the same deal with PMM mines.. though i think claymores are pretty much all skill (since you need to be around to set them off) PMM mines are lay em down and forget it. SOmetimes people place them in tactical places, but alot of times it just leads to team kill / lucky kills etc . I like to leave this game to the gun play and skill

anyways my 2 cents

ILLusion 12-30-2004 09:09 PM

i say if the gun was given 2 u in the game then u should use it it was put in as a reason. myslef i dont use those m203 or gl's but i kinda like when people use them against me because i enjoy the difficultness and practise and im pritty good at worken around them. but for me i lik euseing a pistol more then a automatic so i stick with a sniper rifle and my DE.50. and my Mark 23sd or Mark 23 depends on how many people there are. as for autos i use the M4A1/sd, and the ak105. as a terr i dont like any of there guns BC THEY ALL SUCK. the m14 o think has 2 much kick.so i usualy use the 552/sd to be stealthy. but for the most part i like pistols and the scope. but i hope ta hear from [SS] to try out and just play with u guys.

Kitten Killer 01-25-2005 06:40 PM

I've tried using an M203 and always get killed pretty quick because the other team runs in close and I'm helpless because the grenade doesn't even hurt them. I think it will if it hite their head??

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