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Bassani 02-14-2008 06:14 PM

That Nasty Drummer from RB on the 360
So Sab and I were playing yesterday afternoon and got to talking, somehow the devs got brought up in the conversation and then we talked about that Drummer guy from You Tube and I had mentioned that he was on the friends list of 1 of the devs that I had on my list.

So Sab goes looking through and finds him and gives him an invite to our game. We sit there BSing away and like 5 mins later guess who pops in the room. Ya That drummer guy. OMG hes nuts. Hes like Im on a real bad set of drums and they are just getting worse the more I play. Sab and I are like, dude, no biggy, its just cool to play with you and we dont care about score, we just wanna have some fun. So hes all cool about it and plays a few songs with us. Hes smashing the hell out of everything he plays and hes on a bad set, lol. I cant imagine what hed do on a good set, lol. Heres our score from RttH on Exp.

Sabotage 02-15-2008 03:26 AM

OMG this guy was amazing, I'm sure you guys saw him play on youtube and you know what Bass and I are saying. He was a bit wild though when he was talking though, I had to turn the sound on my mic down because I couldn't understand him sometimes he was talking so fast.

Bassani 02-15-2008 03:31 AM

For me it was little hard to understand him, but I think it may be due to the bad drum set. Alot of what he said was coming through with static and I think he knew about it too cuz he kept asking about it. Cool guy though.

Sabotage 02-17-2008 02:30 AM

Ok so i used SSkitzzo's sock mod on my set and it works oh does it work well. I can finally do a drum roll with out missing 70% of the notes in it. looks kinda weird but it works so I'm psyched.

Bassani 02-17-2008 02:58 AM

Holy shit, you buy a whole package just for the drums? lol. I think he only has 1 sock on each pad though, but if 2 work better, then what the hell, right.

[SS]Grifter 02-17-2008 03:02 AM

Jesus...at first glance, I thought you had tampons wrapped around your set......

[SS]Showstoper 02-17-2008 03:17 AM

Man, Sabotage, I hope those were'nt your happy socks...LMAO

Sabotage 02-17-2008 02:46 PM

lol those were all old socks so I said might as well cover the whole pad.

They were a little stiff but I'm not sure why.

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