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[SS]Rator 07-21-2004 09:48 PM

Forum Rules
Just so everyone is clear, i wanted to set forth some forum rules. Everyone is welcome here. Some content may not be suitable for minors. By registering on these forums, and viewing the content within, you absolve us from responisbility. We are not responsible for any lewd content or any disturbing imagery or words contained herein. View these forums at your own risk. Enjoy!

1. Keep the forums rated "R" (no genitalia, video of people being killed, gruesome imagery, sex acts etc. you guys know, use your best judgement)

2. No Religious Discussions. (dont get into who would win in a fight, Budda or Jesus, dont enforce your religious beliefs on others, you guys know what i mean here.)

3. No Morality Discussions. (This is close to the religious one, but if you think its right and ok to earn a living as a stripper, that's your business. Try to keep these issues to yourselves.)

4. Try to keep cursing to a minimum in public forums. (Please do your best, who knows who might visit)

5. No bashing in public forums. (If someone is causing a ruckuss, let me know about it, dont take matters into your own hands.)

6. No Racial slurrs or negatively charged posts.

7. No politically biased conversations please. (if you're a democrat, good for you. If you're a republican, good for you. Don't know what you are? That's good too. Like Bush, hate Bush, you're entitled to your opinion, just don't post it in here.)

8. No advertising, recruiting, spamming or soliciting of any kind without permission from the admin/leader [SS]Rator.

I think thats about it. As always, if you have a problem with anything or anyone, just email me about it and we'll take care of it.

Kitten Killer 07-27-2004 07:44 PM

Don't post how to do a glitch

UMMaDCoW 07-30-2004 10:26 AM

Re: Forum Rules

the only praying you should be doing is for a quick death when you see me coming)
MOL! Nice one.

Mundane 02-01-2005 10:05 PM

no promblem with that

Lgndkllr777 03-01-2005 05:45 PM

Re: Forum Rules

Originally posted by [SS]Rator
2. No Religious Discussions. (dont get into who would win in a fight, Budda or Jesus, dont enforce your religious beliefs on others, you guys know what i mean here, the only praying you should be doing is for a quick death when you see me coming)
...praying is religous though... so... i dunno... im confused with these rules lol

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