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[SS]Rator 10-09-2007 02:38 PM

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: Strategy Guide
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: Strategy Guide
Multiplayer Authors & Illustrators

On Location
We were hired once again by Brady Games to author and illustrate the multiplayer section of the Call of Duty 4 strategy guide. We've really be blessed to have these opportunities, and we love doing the work. And trust me, it IS work! (wrote 80+ pages in 6 days and illustrated 16 maps plus 5 versions of each in 9 days, we did all the charts in it too)

I have to take this opportunity to thank [SS]Chief. Without him we would never have gotten the chance to meet Piggyback and Brady games out at E3 and probably never would have been publish. Thanks Chief! I'm having a sex change so i can have your babies...

So this guide was kind of special and a little different than the ones we've done before. Again the time crunch was insane. About 3-4 weeks to complete and one of those weeks was spent out in California at the Infinity Ward studios. Brady Games flew 4 of us out to CA all expenses paid, flights, hotels, rental cars, food and drink, everything. It was awesome! Thanks Brady!

Yes we actually worked with the developers on this guide and it was fantastic. These guys are awesome! So here's a little bit about our trip...

First of all, the 4 of us were Rator, Raiden, Midnight, and Bassani. Bassani and I flew out on the same plane and got in about 2 hours before Raiden and Midnight. We went and got our rental car (stupid minivan lol) and had to figure out how to use the GPS to get to our hotel. We ended up passing it and had to loop around. Well, I was driving and went to make the left to loop around and someone t-bones us! Yes, totaly smashed in our right side and popped the back tire. By the time we got a tow truck back to the airport to get another car, we were able to pick up Raiden and Midnight. Vapid lives out in CA and he met up with us as well.

Anywho, next day we had breakfast with Tim from Brady Games who was kind enough to meet us out there and get us all situated at Infinity Ward. We headed out to their studio in Encino.

Everyone rides around the office on little razor scooters and theyre all our age. They have an arcade with all kinds of standups like street fighter and shit, a foosball table a pool table, the works. The messhall has a bunch of tables and a bar to sit at with a kitchen, fridges, soda machines (25 cent sodas) and just about every snack you can think of for free. Soups, snickers, granola bars, whatever you want. They've got rooms full of QA testers and we met all of the level designers and everyone else.

They bought us lunch every day and Andrew (the project coordinator/main guy) would come in to our room a few times a day and bring someone in like a level designer or the main MP guy and let us ask questions. They had a room set up for us with like 4, 360's LCDs and computers hooked up for us to take screenshots if we needed. They came in and hooked us up with codes so we could play 4 player muliplayer by ourselves and ranked us up to 55 in like 5 seconds. They printed out all of the maps for us and came in one day to bring us into the media room to meet with the level designers and the rest of the MP team to go over each map one by one and let them talk about how they made the maps and show us cool spots on them. Friggin awesome! The media room is like a small movie theater. Stadium seating, swing out arm tables for writing on, cup holders and cushy seats. The screen was the size of a wall and the wood walls had JBL speakers all inset into them with a couple of subs under the screen. Unreal!

We would go on smoke breaks and just talk shit with all of the guys there. It was like we were part of the team out there. They would come in and call us over to just show us funny shit online like people hacking their beta and whatnot. Very cool.

So everyday we would get up, get breakfast, drive to IW and start working by 10am. Carly the receptionist was awesome, she'd get us lunch everyday and was fun to joke around with. We all chipped in and bought her flowers the last day we were there. She loved that and so did Andrew. We'd work til about 12 or 1 and go eat with the IW guys then head back to work. We usually worked til about 7 or 8pm. Long days. Raiden, Midnight and Bassani were all great out there. We split up the work and everyone did their part. Thank you boys, kick ass job! I couldn't have done it without you all.

So Vapid met up at our hotel one night and we did some naked GH2 and got a little drunk. Raiden woke me up one morning with a maniacal laugh and i opend my eyes to see him playing Dead Rising and killing zombies with a zombie torso stuck on the end of an auger. Nice. So we busted hump all week and Andrew gave us each COD4 shirts which was awesome. He also told me personally when he and i were out grabbing a smoke, that he wanted to get the rest of my clan out there for the next game in a couple of years. Said he would get us a big room for all of us and everything and that he really enjoyed having us out there for the week. I can't tell you guys how awesome it was to get to go out there. (BTW we also wrote the tactics and tips for a promotional poster)


[SS]Rator & The Sea Snipers®

BradyGames & Infinity Ward Quotes

"It's been great having SS out here this week."
Andrew, Project Coordinator for Infinity Ward

"I got your files for the poster. Really awesome stuff, man -- I love it! Keep up the great work!"
Tim, Senior Editor for Brady Games

"Dude, These maps are things of beauty to behold! Friggin' AWESOME maps, man!"
Tim, Senior Editor for Brady Games

"In case you don't already know (but I'm sure you must), you're doing a stellar job on the maps! And your individual emails telling me when a new map is uploaded help me out more than you know (they help me keep track of which ones I haven't already downloaded). Keep up the incredible job, man!"
Tim, Senior Editor for Brady Games

"Dude, Fantastic job - well done, and thanks so much for the hard work!"
Tim, Senior Editor for Brady Games

"...i'm taking a look at the guide today. so far everyone says that you guys do such an awesome job. you even managed to get some veterans excited about the game again!"
Andrew, Project Coordinator for Infinity Ward

"So, great job once again on all the work you did! I’m very, very happy with how the guide turned out."
Tim, Senior Editor for Brady Games

[SS]Rator 10-29-2007 02:34 PM

Check under his foot...

NEO-X 10-29-2007 06:41 PM

So awesome...

It would have been kick ass if they let you put your logo on the cover.

[SS]Rator 10-29-2007 07:30 PM

The SS logo is actually all over the inside of the guide. We did "Sea Sniper Tips" that are scattered all throughout the MP section, and our logo is on the inside back cover next to all of our names and credits and URLs etc. Oh and Generator Studios logo and url too.

[SSr]LouSaynis 10-29-2007 08:59 PM

Sweet! Another good job, I'm sure! I'll be sure to check it out.

Bassani 10-30-2007 12:47 AM


Originally posted by OVERDRIVE4825
I'll be sure to check it out.
You mean you're not going to buy it? eyepop

[SS]Rator 10-30-2007 01:13 AM

I know I'm not buying it...:O

[SSr]LouSaynis 10-30-2007 06:17 AM


Originally posted by [SS]Bassani
You mean you're not going to buy it? eyepop
as in if I get the game, II probably buy it. I don't know if my graphics card will be able to take it (it's fairly old) and I doubt I have the money for a new card.

Bassani 10-30-2007 10:43 AM

No, I was talking about the guide because we wrote the MP section. If you get the CE version of CoD4 I think you get the guide for free.

[SS]Midnight 10-30-2007 03:58 PM


Originally posted by OVERDRIVE4825
as in if I get the game, II probably buy it. I don't know if my graphics card will be able to take it (it's fairly old) and I doubt I have the money for a new card.
Here is a spiffy site that I just discovered. It analyzes your system and tells you if you can run specific video games on your PC with your hardware config or not. I just checked mine for battlefield2142 and passed with flying colors for my setup. I am gonna check for CoD4 next.


[SSr]LouSaynis 10-30-2007 04:15 PM

Failed CoD4, But thankfully, I did pass 2142toothysmil

DoomStrike 11-01-2007 05:22 PM

Very nice link bassani but i don't think its accurate.

I just checked to see if i can run supreme commander. It passed me for both min and recommended but my sup com runs really slow when i have a huge army build up.

[SS]Midnight 11-01-2007 11:47 PM


Originally posted by DoomStrike
Very nice link bassani but i don't think its accurate.

I just checked to see if i can run supreme commander. It passed me for both min and recommended but my sup com runs really slow when i have a huge army build up.

What nut case did you just confuse me with?!?!?! (I love you Bass toothysmil )

That site checks system requirements. I agree it may not be accurate, but keep in mind that other things besides your hardware can make your computer run slow. I only just found out about that site, so I can't say that I know they run a good check or not.....seems good to me though.

Bassani 11-02-2007 06:27 PM

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: Strategy Guide
OMG, the guide is out in stores now. It came out awesome. I didnt think there was that much that we did to be honest, lol. It has so much info. The maps are sweet as well too. Rator, you never cease to amaze me with you PS skills. Great job to all involved. Hope everyone who gets the guide will be as pleased as I am about it.

[SS]Midnight 11-02-2007 09:25 PM

Sweet! I am on my way to go food shopping. If I see the guide out I will grab one. As far as Rator's PS skills....he goes WAY beyond PS in making these maps.

[SS]Rator 11-03-2007 03:18 PM

Thanks guys, yes it DID come out awesome. Just got mine yesterday. You all did a great job!

NEO-X 11-03-2007 08:51 PM

bigclap bigclap bigclap bigclap bigclap

Good shit guys.. and congrats for all you continue to do for the gaming community

[SS]Grifter 11-03-2007 09:15 PM

My local GameStop said that the street date for the game has been moved up. Stores that get it in on the 5th, will be allowed to sell it on the 5th, instead of waiting until Tuesday the 6th.

[SS]Rator 11-03-2007 10:23 PM

Thanks Neo!

[SS]Wally 11-03-2007 10:56 PM

Thank you Neo, thats what its all about bro.

SS brothers, great job to all. Rator your maps turned out killer. GJ Boss and everyone.

-COPE- 11-13-2007 03:28 PM

Rator as always, you and the boys did one hell of a job.

Now can I get it autographed damn it?!?!?!dancingban

BTW are there maps that are downloadable? I know you have already gotten that about 5,000 times but i cant find any info on that.

Thanks guys

[SS]Rator 11-13-2007 03:40 PM

Thanks buddy! And i'd be glad to sign something if you send it over to me. You can email me about it if you want. rator@seasnipers.net

As for the maps, i'l waiting to hear back from Brady Games to see if we'll be allowed to release them online.

-COPE- 11-13-2007 06:09 PM

I hope that they allow you to do that...I know they are tempermental about that kind of thing though.

I shot you an email.

Stankk Virus 12-12-2007 02:42 PM

Great Guide...Bravo Ladies....

[SS]Rator 12-12-2007 03:02 PM

Thanks guys, and i dont think i got an email Cope.

Stankk Virus 12-12-2007 03:06 PM



[SS]Rator 12-12-2007 03:11 PM

lol thanks bud, youre welcome to play against us anytime on either Vegas or COD.

Stankk Virus 12-12-2007 03:15 PM

Is there a way I can do that? like I know a ton of people want to play you...and Im pretty sure your Friends list is Exhausted....so How would I go about doing all of that?

[SS]Rator 12-12-2007 03:27 PM

ISSI Rator is my gamertag, you can send me an invite.

Bassani 12-12-2007 04:06 PM


Originally posted by Stankk Virus


Knock out all the TVs in Charlie Dont Surf. 2 in the first bldg, upstairs just before the road on right side, just after the road upstairs on right side and all the rest are in the main TV building. Look all around, some are on tables, some are up in corners behind you. When you get into the final recording room, you need to get all the TVs in there before Griggs gets the order to shut the show off.

Stankk Virus 12-16-2007 01:06 AM

Thanks....Yea there was one inside the control room that I was missing....!!!! Thnks guy!

Bassani 12-16-2007 01:36 AM

No prob.

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