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[SS]Rator 12-04-2014 02:13 PM

We were planning on 6-8 man teams anyway, but we'll put this to Sledgehammer and see what's up.

[SS]Rator 12-04-2014 02:15 PM

also we need another team or two to start this, anyone got any prospects?

Bobibblesackin 12-08-2014 11:36 PM

Sorry for my absence guys, had a major surgery this past Wednesday. Ive been struggling to get around, haha. Ill shoot you an email Rator, thats the best way to get ahold of me as of now because sitting in my PC room is barely doable.

As far as mode goes, I know my guys would probably only be interested in SnD with Exo suits on. Abilities are kinda up to everyone. I dont mind them, it would be hard to ban dead silence, right?

Whatever happens, I hope we can get a solid season in if possible, if not, their is always that new Rainbow 6 to look forward to..

[SS]Rator 12-09-2014 02:01 PM

damn hope youre feeling better. Were currently leaning in that direction, hcsnd with exos on. as for abilities i think we can turn them off individually but id have to double check. need a couple more teams to make this happen and will be contacting people this week.

[SS]Rator 12-10-2014 05:44 PM

Ok we count 5 teams so far...

Sea Snipers
Gamers United
Iron Fox
Recoil Gaming

Not sure if VvV has enough, but if any of you teams know of another team that would be available to play for an entire season, let us know. We need to get 6 teams to avoid byes. We can DO 5 teams, but we'd have to schedule in bye weeks.

[SS]Rator 12-15-2014 04:13 PM

Ok add the following teams to the list...

LOW (Lords of War)
SBR (Short Bus Riders)

Sea Snipers
Gamers United
Iron Fox
Recoil Gaming

That makes a nice even 8.

So, for those that can read this, here's the latest...

We tested a HUDcore version of S&D all night last night and it plays very well on most maps. We left everything on, but will probably restrict a few things once we all vote.

We can't currently get more than 12 people in a room if it's set to S&D. We're trying to get hold of the powers that be to remedy this, but we planned on 6-8 player teams anyway.

Thinking of starting it up after the holidays, so first or second week of Jan if everyone's ok with that. Also probably will not include the new DLC, but again, we can vote on that.

Any ideas, issues, concerns, questions, fire away!

[SS]Rator 01-05-2015 03:56 PM

Ok messages have been sent out to all teams to provide rosters. If you didn't get a message either via PM, Xbox Live, or email, let me know.

[GU] this is rocco 01-05-2015 07:19 PM

Sent you a PM Rator

[SemP]z0dd sP 01-06-2015 06:27 PM

awesome I should have you my roster this week for sure. Any word on restrictions yet?I'm guessing grenade launchers but not sure what else when are we taking a Vote?

[SS]Rator 01-07-2015 04:02 PM

So far we're planning on restricting killstreaks, (probably some cheaty weapons/perks/abilities too) but we're going to be taking suggestions from all clans for restrictions. If you've got some ideas, post em up!

[SS]Rator 01-09-2015 04:33 PM

Alright, we're starting to get rosters in. If you haven't sent yours or know someone who hasn't, get em in!

So far we have SBR and LOW rosters.

S10Draven 01-10-2015 02:43 PM

I wish i knew more people that played still...i miss playin in matchs

[SS]Rator 01-12-2015 03:19 PM

Ok still need rosters from

Recoil Gaming

BTW, great scrim last night SEMP, this is gonna be fun! Any restrictions, revisions, etc you guys can think of after the scrim, let us know asap!

Currently have rosters from:
DK (Divine Knights, I forgot to post them on the list, sry guys!)

[SS]Rator 01-12-2015 04:11 PM

Let's get some details ironed out...

- It is going to be 6v6 S&D.

- 5 min rounds, 8 rounds on each side per match. The rest of the S&D settings are currently default.

- It will be some form or Hardcore, do you guys want to do full on HC or HUDCore?
(HUDCore is exactly like Hardcore but with the HUD up, HUDCore also allows you to view your uniforms)

- Restrictions: We're looking for all team's feedback on restrictions before we settle on final restrictions. The only restriction we can confirm as of right now is no scorestreaks. (BTW, we played SEMP last night with just scorestreaks off and it played well.)

Please reply with your team's choice on HC or HUDCore, and any restrictions you like to see added. Thanks guys! Gonna be starting in about 2 weeks. (Can't make the schedule or pick a start date til we get everyones rosters)

I just went through some of the options and here's what I've come up with for possible restrictions...

- AE4 (cause we're not using DLC this season)
- MDL grenade launcher
- NA-45 grenade/sniper (I think thats the one with the double shot right?)
- Fast plant and shock plant
- Scavenger
- And what about Ping and Cloak?

[SS]Shooter 01-15-2015 01:22 PM


I found on the internet the rules for the big upcoming MLG COD:AW tournament. The one with $1M in prize money...

Here's 3 general things they have in place that we may want to consider for SEAL: (my comments in parentheses)

• Spectating POV: First Person (likely to stop teammate peeking)

• Battle Chatter: Disabled (this would stop soldiers from yelling things out)

• Silent Plant: Enabled (the bomb plant is LOUD as hell; having it silent would eliminate that)


Here is their list of restricted equipment relevant to SEAL. I'm not saying we restrict the same items, but it does offer some ideas...

• All Secondary Launchers (like RPGs, MAWS, etc.)
• All Primary Specials (I think that means MDLs)
• All Supply Drop Weapons (so they are limiting it to basic guns only; Elite variants are out)

• Grenade Launcher (noob tubes)
• Akimbo
• Tracker (the one that gives you a UAV view for people you wound)

Exo Launcher
• Tracking Drone (these are annoying)
• Explosive Drone (the little sticks)

Wild Cards
• Bombardier (to limit grenade output)

Exo Abilities
• Ping (makes people glow nearby)
• Stim (allows you to take one bullet basically)
• Cloak (Predator!)

If anyone wants to see them, their compete rule set is here: http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming...lifier-2/rules

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